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Programs and Activities


B’nei Mitzvah Training, Jr. Congregation and Shabbat School, Talmud Torah, Sunday Fundays, Emtza NCSY for middle schoolers, Summer and Winter camps.


Daily day Yomi class, weekly lunch and lesons, monthly book clubs.


Bikur Cholim – Hospital and Nursing Home Visitations, Chevra Kadisha Society, Israel Public Action Committee, Sablow Hanover Regional Mikveh, rodfei Sholom Cemetary, VAAD Hakashruth of San Antonio – Kosher Supervision.


Life Cycle Celebrations, Community Wide Events, Purim Carnival, Lag B’omer, Shabbat and Holiday programs, Weekly community Kiddush, lunches and Shalosh Suedot, Scholar-in-Residence Programs and Shabbat Dinners, JWRP Mens and Women’s trips to Israel.

Synagogue Services

Congregation Rodfei Sholom has morning and evening services every day of the year, Women’s Tehillim Groups.


L’Chayim Club for Community Seniors, Movie Night, Holiday Gift basket Delivery.

Talmud Torah

Talmud Torah is Rodfei Sholom’s Sunday School Program for pre-Bar and Bat Mitzvah, elementary aged kids. Held weekly from 9am-12pm, Talmud Torah features Judaic, Hebrew, Art rotations as well recreational periods including use of the two playgrounds, the gaga court and the great lawn.

Click here to receive more information and this year’s Talmud Tarah Calendar. Click here to sigh up for Talmud Torah.

L'Chaim Club 

Rodfei Sholom L’Chayim Club for seniors meets on the third Wednesday of every month. Seniors are treated to a hot, catered meal and a short lecture on a wide variety of topics including Jewish holidays, history, Jewish cultures around the world, Holocaust education, money managment, astronomy, stress managment and many others.

The L’Chayim Club monthly gatherhing are made possible by a grant from San Antonio Jewish Senior Services.

Click here for a shedule of L’Chayim club events


Each year, Congregation Rodfei Sholom partners with the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP) to take community members on trips to Israel. The Women’s trip lead by Michal Scheinberg is described as “Birthright for Moms”. 

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785